“Oh! Mother I love you”,
“Oh! Father I love you”;
The first love of early stage,
The innocent love of bird in a cage;
Hour by hour, the love ripen,
From sweet to sweetest, in a hyphen;
Still the first love of medium stage,
The maturing love of bird in open cage;
“Oh! Darling I love you”,
“Oh! Sweetheart I love you”;
The first love of grown stage,
The matured love of no cage;
Day by day, the love gets old,
Sweetly sourly that is gold;
The last love of grown stage,
The matured love of birdless open cage;
“Oh! Son I love you”,
“Oh! Daughter I love you”;
The last love of the last stage,
The oldest love of birdless cage.
“Oh! Father I love you”;
The first love of early stage,
The innocent love of bird in a cage;
Hour by hour, the love ripen,
From sweet to sweetest, in a hyphen;
Still the first love of medium stage,
The maturing love of bird in open cage;
“Oh! Darling I love you”,
“Oh! Sweetheart I love you”;
The first love of grown stage,
The matured love of no cage;
Day by day, the love gets old,
Sweetly sourly that is gold;
The last love of grown stage,
The matured love of birdless open cage;
“Oh! Son I love you”,
“Oh! Daughter I love you”;
The last love of the last stage,
The oldest love of birdless cage.
well!! beautifully written,
the way love changes in life is nicely described by the example of Bird and Cage.
u knw wat, when I was a child I used to tell my parents that i love u very much and I can't live without u, but as I grown up I still love my parents may be more than that time, but now I dn't show it to them as was in those days. Thats the typ of change comes in our life. We still love them a lot, but situation, burden of life comes in our way which makes us tuff from outside but from inside we are still the same innocent lover.
“Oh! Son I love you”,
“Oh! Daughter I love you”;
The last love of the last stage,
The oldest love of birdless cage.
I like the last lines, its a bit emotional ones...
well written ...keep writing more poems ...
Ya Farhan-"the bird and the cage" describes that how the love is bascially taking a turn.
Thanx for your aprreciation.
Its all bcoz of the aprreciation from you all that I tend to write such lines.
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