In the way to my home whistling & singing,
I saw an object sparkling & glittering;
I tried to hold it in my hand,
To my surprise it was a golden band;
It enlightened not only me, but also the way,
It removed all darkness, if truly I say;
The starting was no where and the end was far,
It seemed as never ending tune of guitar;
It was only an imagination as it seemed,
I was in unreality very much indeed;
I pinched my skin to find what that was,
I felt the pain & little it was;
The agony & cry of the world I heard,
The pain became more & more weird;
I saw the people dying of hunger,
I thought it was a law of nature;
The darkness started to engulf my way,
The sparkling & glittering band went away;
I ran away to find that band,
Some time later I reached the cottage of sand;
That band was inside that lonely cottage,
Like a ship surrounded by sea in a voyage;
The wind was blowing with a mild rain,
But on its extreme was the pain;
I closed my eyes and prayed to God,
Oh! Give me strength O my lord;
I want that band as so effective it was,
Without the band the battle would be lost;
I heard Good God saying to me,
If you want I would let the band free;
But the band will spark now no more,
As the golden ship has lost its shore;
He said there are thousands of bands on your hand,
If you want you can turn them into golden bands;
All you need is the determination & will,
With those things you can climb a golden hill;
I realized very much my fault,
Now my will would never take a halt;
I saw my hand covered by number of sparkling golden bands;
To enlighten the opportunity of lands.
I saw an object sparkling & glittering;
I tried to hold it in my hand,
To my surprise it was a golden band;
It enlightened not only me, but also the way,
It removed all darkness, if truly I say;
The starting was no where and the end was far,
It seemed as never ending tune of guitar;
It was only an imagination as it seemed,
I was in unreality very much indeed;
I pinched my skin to find what that was,
I felt the pain & little it was;
The agony & cry of the world I heard,
The pain became more & more weird;
I saw the people dying of hunger,
I thought it was a law of nature;
The darkness started to engulf my way,
The sparkling & glittering band went away;
I ran away to find that band,
Some time later I reached the cottage of sand;
That band was inside that lonely cottage,
Like a ship surrounded by sea in a voyage;
The wind was blowing with a mild rain,
But on its extreme was the pain;
I closed my eyes and prayed to God,
Oh! Give me strength O my lord;
I want that band as so effective it was,
Without the band the battle would be lost;
I heard Good God saying to me,
If you want I would let the band free;
But the band will spark now no more,
As the golden ship has lost its shore;
He said there are thousands of bands on your hand,
If you want you can turn them into golden bands;
All you need is the determination & will,
With those things you can climb a golden hill;
I realized very much my fault,
Now my will would never take a halt;
I saw my hand covered by number of sparkling golden bands;
To enlighten the opportunity of lands.
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