In the ocean of my mind,
With some sadness sailing,
Igniting my emotions,
Melted my frozen eyes.
I felt a warm kiss,
Of a cold tear,
On my palms.
The fallen tear smiled,
And with love,
Said, dear don’t cry,
I am with you.
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She left me, without a prior notice that night,
She flee, without writing on paper that night,
I looked for her everywhere in house,
I called her, I screamed here n there that night,
She did not come in front of my eyes,
I lay blind on the bed that night,
My heart beat in her memories with droplets of blood,
My heart felt her in its heart that night,
I can still see her beauty,
I can feel her tenderness tonight,
I can still smell her fragrance,
I can hear her delicate sweet voice tonight,
I still remember her sleekness,
My body is locked with curves of her body tonight,
Her lips, her eyes, I miss,
I miss her long black hairs tonight,
I still remember her words,
“You never remember anything”, she said that night,
Yes, it was my fault,
I could have noted everything on paper, that night,
Thus, from that instant,
I started noting my *Ghazals that night,
I stared decorating blank papers,
With those beautiful Ghazals, that night.
(*Ghazal is a poetry that deals with subject of love,
specifically an unattainable love)
I don’t know,
If that Ghazal will return or not tonight,
But with my pen, I will wait for her,
In my diary of dreams, tonight.